Russell was a cello player of superlative originality and versatility; often mixing microtonal drones, wistful melodies and extended techniques to generate rhythmical effects. His cello playing was often accompanied by his introspective singing style, fluid and gentle- with a country-inflection that belied his Iowa prairie roots. On top of this we get his overwhelming openness to all the currents of contemporary music streaming through New York that seem to coalesce so uniquely in his own sound.If all this music was on the same minimalist continuum for Russell; whether it was the avant-garde loft music of friends like Rhys Chatham, Phill Niblock and Philip Glass, or the art-rock of bands he collaborated with like The Modern Lovers and Talking Heads, it was through the burgeoning disco scene that he first started to really connect with a broader audience. Under names such as Dinosaur L, Loose Joints and Indian Ocean, Russell produced records that welded funky rhythms with wild, off-kilter arrangements that have become a part of the underground dance music canon.
country funk 1969-75 rar
Moonchild Sanelly: Phases (2022, Transgressive):South African (Xhosa) singer-songwriter, Sanelisiwe Twisha, startedas a kwaito dancer, calls her music "future ghetto punk," secondalbum, draws on amapiano, dancehall, and hip-hop, but it winds upsounding like like an exceptionally tight slab of ultra-funky pop.A thick slab, too, running 66 minutes, but the physical is brokenup into two CDs (or LPs).A- [sp]
Iftin Band: Mogadishu's Finest: The Al-Uruba Sessions(1982-87 [2022], Ostinato): Somali band, shortly before Osama Bin Ladenbaited the US to intervene and destroy the country.B+(***) [sp]
Very little to add about this week's music. I was struggling tothink of things to look up early in the week, so I wound up searchingdown theEOY aggregate file forhighest-rated unheard records, sometimes singling out genres (countryprobably got the most attention). The highest-ranked records I stillhaven't heard yet:
Kelsea Ballerini: Subject to Change (2022, BlackRiver): Pop singer-songwriter, working out of Nashville, but almostall of her songs have multiple co-writers and kitchen sink production --nothing distinctively country about that, even when you get a titlelike "Love Is a Cowboy" or "You're Drunk, Go Home."B+(*) [sp]
Chat Pile: God's Country (2022, The Flenser):Noise rock/sludge metal band from Oklahoma, named after the toxicwaste left around lead-zinc mines. First album. Rates for chopsand attitude, and is all the more amusing at the low volume thatmakes it tolerable to me. And yeah, in case you're wondering,God's country is indeed a toxic dump.B+(*) [sp]
These rankings will probably sink back if/when I add morenon-jazz lists (if memory serves, the top jazz album usuallywinds up somewhere 20-35), but the value of spending much moretime on this is receding. I've always maintained that the purposeof the list is to scout out records of possible interest to me,hence there have always been genres that I have sought out (I have1161 jazz albumslisted, of 4062 total) and others that I have avoided -- nonetheless,I counted219 metal albums, butI've only heard 4; thecountry andhip-hop lists areactually shorter, but I've heard much more (64 of 138 country,97 of 212 hip-hop).
Stoney Edwards: Mississippi You're on My Mind (1975,Capitol): Black country singer, recorded six albums for Capitol1971-76, newly reissued (at least digital) -- I've looked for thisfor ages, but until now only found the 20-track Razor & TieThe Best of Stoney Edwards: Poor Folks Stick Together,still the better deal. One song name-checks Hank Williams andLefty Frizzell. He draws more on the latter.A- [sp]
Gianluigi Trovesi: Dedalo (2001 [2002], Enja):Leads off with alto sax here, later switching to his clarinets,backed by the WDR Big Band, in an exceptionally festive mood.Also named on the cover: Markus Stockhausen (trumpet), FulvioMaras (percussion, and Tom Rainey (drums). The opener "Hercab"is funky enough they reprise it live at theend.A- [sp]
Free Form Funky Freqs: Hymn of the 3rd Galaxy(2020-21 [2022], Ropeadope): Funk-fusion all-star jam: G. CalvinWeston (drums), Vernon Reid (guitar), and Jamaaladeen Tacuma(bass). Third album, after ones in 2008 and 2013. Could be freer(or for that matter, funkier), but lots of pyrotechnic guitar.B+(*) [bc]
Donald Byrd: Live: Cookin' With Blue Note at Montreux(1973 [2022], Blue Note): Trumpet player (1932-2013), from Detroit,started in hard bop c. 1956, was a mainstay of the Blue Note labelfrom 1959, when it entered a golden age, through its late-1960sdecline, his experiments in fusion and funk, all the way to 1976. Group here represents his electric funk period, with Larry Mizell'ssynthesizers, electric piano (Kevin Toney), guitar (Barney Perry),and bass (Henry Franklin), drums and congas, two saxophones, anda second trumpeter (Fonce Mizell, who worked at Motown).B+(*) [sp]
Adult.: Becoming Undone (2022, Dais): Detroit duoof Nicola Kuperus and Adam Lee Miller, 10th album since 2000, lotsof funky industrial grind, at least until they slow it down.B+(***) [sp]
Callista Clark: Real to Me: The Way I Feel (2022,Big Machine): Young country singer-songwriter from Georgia, signeda contract at 15 with the label that launched Taylor Swift. Firstalbum expands on 2021's 5-track EP. I'm not wild about the bigmoney production, but don't doubt her talent.B+(*) [sp]
Joe Fahey: Baker's Cousin (2022, Rough Fish): Minnesotasinger-songwriter, fifth album since 2006, too much rock reverb forcountry, but I suppose Americana might claim him.B+(**) [sp]
Größeres kommerzielles Interesse generiert US-Soul in Deutschland erst ab 1967, als eine kurzfristige Mode entsteht, deren Vorgeschichte zumindest teilweise rekonstruierbar ist (Bloemeke 1996). Diese Mode geht weniger von den erwähnten, erfolglosen deutschen Bearbeitungen aus (Elflein 2018), sondern vor allem von Coverversionen von Soul-Originalen durch Mod- und Beat-Bands [4] bzw. -Künstler*innen, die in den bundesdeutschen Massenmedien ab 1964 präsent sind. Zudem wird Soul in der zweiten Hälfte der 1960er Jahre in das Programm von Tanzveranstaltungen integriert und auch im nicht öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk [5] gesendet, so dass die Mode 1966/67 Fahrt aufnehmen kann. 2ff7e9595c