Training materials
PADI provides some materials for the Rescue Diver course.
Rescue Diver Manual
The PADI Rescue Diver Manual is a manual for the new Rescue Diver certification.
Training materials may not be the same in all diving centers. You will need to get the materials that are available in your center.
Course outline
The Rescue Diver course has 4 Lessons and 3 Exercises. Each lesson has a lecture and a practical exercise.
Lesson 1: Biological Dangers of the Environment
The training begins by studying the sea creatures that live around us. The trainee will then learn how to deal with the dangers.
Lesson 2: Oxygen Equipment
This lesson will introduce the trainee to the importance of oxygen equipment and their role on a dive. This lesson ends by teaching how to use the equipment.
Lesson 3: Dive Management
This lesson will start by teaching how to surface the divers if there is a problem. Then the trainee will learn how to enter the water. This lesson will also show how to make sure there is enough air in the rebreather before entering the water. The lecture will continue by explaining what tools to carry in the mouth. This lesson will finish by telling the trainee how to avoid decompression sickness, how to use the mask properly, and how to correctly check the masks.
Lesson 4: First Aid
This lesson starts with a practical exercise that will introduce the trainee to the various parts of the body and how they are affected by pressure and by cold. The lecture will continue by explaining how to dress the wounds and how to treat the symptoms of decompression sickness. The lecture will end by explaining how to look for breathing problems, and how to deal with them.
Lesson 5: Protection of Animals
The lecture will start by explaining how to deal with the marine life. The lecture will continue by discussing the importance of the environment. This lesson will end by teaching how to deal with environmental and biological hazards.
The practical exercise will start by introducing the procedure for the dive. The lecture will continue by explaining how to keep the group in order, and how to keep the divers safe. The lecture will end by explaining the importance of the conduct of the divers.
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