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Sample letter to shift to another course in college: Reasons and benefits of changing your course


Greetings! I am writing to ask for your permission to allow me to shift to your course B.S. Architecture under the College of Architecture after taking up B.S. Medical Technology under the Faculty of Pharmacy. After studying the course in a year, I made the decision to transfer and aspire to become an architect.

sample letter to shift to another course in college

The principal reason why I would like to shift is because I realized that the course is not for me. Before applying for a college, I thought of becoming whether a doctor or an architect. Unfortunately, I made the wrong choice, since after spending a year in B.S. Medical Technology, I realized that the talents I have are not used well. I believe that I have visualization and creativity skills as I grew up with drawing as my hobby. I am also fond of Mathematics, especially Algebra and Geometry, which I believe is helpful for the course. In my belief, these skills are essential and needed for the course. From realizing these skills, I finally made a decision to shift to another course. Transferring to B.S. Architecture, I believe, can help bring out my capabilities and talents, and furnish them. Also, I can improve my visualization and creativity to create new innovations.

I understand that it may be difficult to process to allow me to shift to the course, but it will be an honor for allowing me to do so. I am willing to submit all requirements and take a shifting exam in order to be qualified to take the course. If it would help, I would be delighted to discuss this with you in person or through my contacts. Thank you.

If you have already started your post-secondary studies at another college or university after graduating from high school or earning a GED and have or will have earned 24 semester hours of required transferable coursework at another college or university, you can apply for transfer admission. Please note that the option to use coursework in progress is not available for spring semester applicants.

Processing a scheduling change for a required course is usually considered administrative. Administrative drops do not count toward a student's ISU drop limit and do not appear as an X on the permanent record. To make a Period 3 R-credit drop administrative requires approval of the college dean.

For fall and spring semesters, the credit limit is 18 credits for undergraduates and 15 credits for graduate students. For summer session, the limits are 12 credits for undergraduates and 10 credits for graduate students. A student may be required to drop credits before adding another course. In some cases, the college dean may approve a higher or lower credit limit for individual students. Students may request a change in their credit limit by contacting their advisor. Advisors should notify the student's college student services office if the credit limit needs to be changed.

Students are limited in the number of courses they may drop during their academic career. Exceptions to the drop limit may be made for courses that must be dropped for reasons beyond the student's control. These exceptions are granted only by the dean or other authorized person in the student's college. The number of drops students have left is indicated on their grade report (available on AccessPlus) each term. Students are responsible for not exceeding their limit.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must be a student in the College of Letters and Science to submit these forms. College of Engineering Students or College of Creative Studies students should contact advisors in their colleges even when the request pertains to a course offered by Letters and Science.

* Note: most California community college courses have already been evaluated and articulated for transfer credit and do not need to be petitioned. Go to to determine if a California community college course transfers to UCSB and if it applies to any GE requirements.

If you propose to complete one major in the College of Letters and Science and another in a different college (Engineering or Creative Studies), you will need to provide a quarterly plan to fulfill all degree requirements.

Your adviser and academic college or school will determine how transfer courses that do not have a direct WVU equivalent can be applied to your degree requirements. In some cases, transfer courses will count only as general WVU credit rather than towards a specific degree requirements.

If you are a current WVU student who wants to take credits at another regionally-accredited institution, the first step is to see your academic adviser to get permission to begin the process. Once you know what courses you want to take, you and your adviser can access the transfer credit database to determine the available transient credit courses. Any courses not found in this database, may be requested to be added via the Transfer Equivalency Review Request (TERR). For more details, see the Transient Credit Approval Process.

NOTE: If your request is denied and you have other eligible courses, you can select another course for the S/U switch and request approval for it. Remember that you can only select the S/U grading basis for one class per semester, and if you wish to request this status for a second class you can do so only after the first request has been reviewed and denied.

If you do not fill out a Grade Option/Audit request form for a course in which more than one grade option is available, the default option (usually, but not always, the letter grade option) will automatically apply.

Undergraduate Students: A grade of Credit (CR) is awarded for work equivalent to a course letter grade of C (2.0) or better. No Credit (NC) is awarded for work equivalent to all grades, which earn less than 2.0 grade points (C- through F).

Graduate Students: A grade of Credit (CR) is awarded for work equivalent to a course letter grade of B (3.0) or better. No Credit (NC) is awarded for work equivalent to all grades, which earn less than 3.0 grade points (B- through F).

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions reviews applications for the College of Literature, Science and the Arts (LSA) and the College of Engineering (COE). If you are interested in another school or college, it is best to contact their admissions team to learn more about transferring.

To successfully transfer into the College of Engineering (COE) at the University of Michigan, you will have to demonstrate that you have completed the required prerequisite courses set by the COE with a letter grade of a "C" or better, and a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0 or better, prior to your intended term of enrollment. If you have specific questions related to credit that will transfer from US institutions to the College of Engineering, please utilize the Transfer Credit Equivalency database. For international institutions please utilize the College of Engineering course equivalency guide.

Common App for transfer is an online application that makes applying to college faster and easier. Through a single platform, you'll be able to search for and apply to any one of the more than 600 colleges that accept Common App for transfer. Whether you're applying to transfer from another 4-year institution or community college or looking to continue your path towards a degree by re-enrolling, Common App for transfer can help you get to where you want to be.

One thing we know is that students are being encouraged to apply for college earlier as more schools offer early application options. While being accepted sooner may be great for some students, for others who aren't fully committed or who are uncertain about their career path and desired college experience, early acceptance may not be the best course of action.

For some student athletes, the college experience isn't what they were hoping for. For example, perhaps they aren't getting the playing opportunities they were promised or aren't getting along with their coaches and teammates. Or maybe they lost their scholarship or have a problem with the courses they're required to take.

Some college students maintain a full-time career but never earned a degree. Many colleges offer part-time undergraduate and executive programs designed for full-time working professionals. When these workers get transferred to another city or state, however, they'll often have to transfer to another college to stay on track.

You might be able to earn college credits, exempt yourself from KU Core goals, or take higher-level KU courses based on classes and exams you've already taken. We can transfer credit only from institutions accredited by a U.S. regional accrediting agency at the time of completion.

A maximum of 64 hours of community college coursework can be applied toward a KU degree. All community college courses transfer as lower-level credit. A bachelor's degree from KU requires 45 upper-level hours. All transfer hours are converted to semester hours if necessary. You can see how courses from area community colleges transfer to KU with our community college transfer guides.

If you completed an associate's or bachelor's degree at another institution, your courses will be evaluated individually to see whether they are eligible for KU credit and whether they satisfy KU Core Goals. Once you've been admitted, you can review your Degree Progress Report online and meet with an academic advisor during Orientation to discuss any remaining course requirements before you enroll.

If you enroll in a KU math course for the fall term and are taking a required prerequisite course over the summer at another institution, it is your responsibility to make sure the transferring institution can generate an official copy of your transcript, including a grade for the transfer math course, and mail it in time to arrive at the KU Office of Admissions by Aug. 13. Otherwise, you may be dropped from your fall math course at KU.

Credit is generally awarded for college-level coursework completed at institutions accredited by a regional accrediting organization recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Courses must be similar in nature, level, and content to a course in our undergraduate curriculum and applicable to one of our academic programs. Continuing education courses, graduate-level courses, and courses that are remedial, technical, vocational, medical or doctrinal in nature are not transferable. (Contact your individual school about transfer credit if you plan to attend a program at the KU Medical Center campus). 2ff7e9595c


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